Neighborhood Watch

Our 55+ active community of McGavin Ranch has joined with the Mesa Police Department to have a Neighborhood Watch here. A Neighborhood Watch is basically neighbors watching out for neighbors. Know what’s normal in your neighborhood, and if something seems amiss, then take it further by contacting the police, the Neighborhood Watch captains, or the Ranch Manager. If your neighbor is going to be out of town, or is a snowbird, take extra notice of their property to keep things safe.

There are requirements the police department requires, but are pretty simple.  There has to be two meetings per year of the neighbors, with at least half the residents in attendance, and then it is reported to the police department by the captain. The police department also wants you to be safe by locking your cars, your houses, and reporting crimes to them. They will also provide “ride throughs” during the nights, with more frequency if there are issues in the neighborhood.

Mesa Police Station; Red Mountain District 480-644-2211 Non Emergency Line


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